Many thanks to our generous Donors, Volunteers, and Sponsors of this Workshop!
This happened because of your generosity!
Brandon Berman, Brenna Berman, Brian Berman, Cynthia Betts, Magdalena Cole, Renato Magalhaes de Paula, Michelle Mark, Stefan and Anjali Maus, Maxine Seller, Nancy and Michael Seller, Sonja Toutenhoofd, Stephen Trainor, Anonymous, Anonymous
Brenna Berman
Presenter, EAM Founder and Executive Director
Golandsky Institute Associate Faculty
Ron Stabinsky
Concert Artist, Presenter
Photo credit: Jochen Fleeth
Darren Wirth
Concert Artist, Presenter
Sonja Toutenhoofd
Workshop Director
EAM Co-founder, Treasurer
Nancy Seller
Workshop Director
EAM Co-founder, Secretary
Michelle Mark
Workshop Director
EAM Vice-President
Dorothy Taubman instinctively knew it was important to rethink ideas, whether they were her own or others’ pianistic dogmas passed on through tradition. Organizational psychologist Adam Grant inspires people to rethink their views and shows how rethinking enables greater learning, knowledge and well-being. Brenna Berman will draw parallels between Taubman’s innovative musical solutions and the research that supports such innovations.
Barbara Banacos will share strategies on teaching the Taubman Approach to children and adult beginners. She will also work one-on-one with students of workshop attendees.
Brenna Berman will cover the science behind the Taubman basics for alignment and putting the piano key down effortlessly, and will demonstrate how to incorporate these movements into playing. She will also explain simple thinking techniques that make learning easier.
Barbara Banacos will present short musical examples that integrate skills of the Taubman Approach. Through the examples, one will gain experience with how elements of the approach work together and the process of how to practice.
Ron Stabinsky will invite participants to the piano to present questions or problems encountered by jazz pianists and improvisers. Solutions will demonstrate the practical application of the basic principles of the Taubman Approach.
Sonja Toutenhoofd will work one-on-one with participants to help them (or their students) get set up properly at the piano. She will address subjects such bench distance, bench height, and healthy alignment of the fingers, hand, forearm, and torso.
Pianist/composer Darren wirth will present a lecture recital in which he reveals influences from the standard repertoire on his compositions. He will also demonstrate how elements of the Taubman Approach lead to musical expression.
Participants are encouraged to come to the piano with any questions regarding basic Taubman Approach, problems in their music, as well as any pre-submitted questions. Brenna will work with them one-on-one to find solutions.
Michelle Mark will lead a group discussion for any participants wanting to talk about technique retraining, injury experiences, how to find further resources, and any topics they wish to discuss.
All Saturday presentations, clinics, Master Class, lectures, and concert are included with Registration Fee of $175 ($150 with early bird discount).
Private lessons (45 minutes) with Brenna Berman or Barbara Banacos may be added for $90 more and will take place on Sunday, 1:30-4:30.
All events take place at Center for Musical Arts in Lafayette, Colorado 80026